Summer Countdown #5

Season #1

We're counting down our top 12 episodes from season 1. It's the best of the best content to inspire you to keep moving forward. Then you'll be all ready for our all-new episodes, coming in the fall. Here's Summer Countdown episode #5. Enjoy!

How to Quickly Calm Your Anxiety About Eating

What can you eat? What should you eat? With so many diet rules out there, how are you supposed to figure out what to eat? And even when you do, you feel guilty about it anyway.

Diets have made planning your plate stressful, which leads to not eating enough or overeating. From restriction to binge eating, dieting is robbing you of peace and joy.

In this episode, discover how to walk in freedom from those diet side effects with a few simple truths that can help you stop the cycle.

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